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Youth First Social Worker

By Mandy Ash

Ms. Leah Lottes serves as the Youth First Social Worker for Grades K-12 at Barr-Reeve Community Schools.  Youth First social workers work with students individually and in groups to strengthen the lives of young people and their families through evidence- based programs that promote healthy behaviors, prevent substance abuse and maximize student success. 

What does a Youth First Social Worker do? 

  • Helps students develop a positive attitude toward school and learning
  • Helps students develop good relationships with peers, parents, teachers, and siblings
  • Helps students improve their communication skills and develop effective decision-making strategies
  • Helps students deal with personal concerns, developmental tasks, crises, school related problems, home concerns, health, and physical development
  • Helps to ease the transition between school settings
  • Plans and implements with teachers a program of activities designed to enhance the personal social/emotional development of students

How does a student see the counselor? 

  • Self referral
  • Teacher referral
  • Parent referral
  • Administrative referral
  • Special Services referral
  • Referral by a friend

Why does a student see a counselor? 

  • To understand abilities and limitations
  • To adjust to a new school
  • To find answers to concerns
  • To develop skills in getting along with others
  • To adjust to family transitions
  • To achieve in school
  • To share friendship

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